Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA ) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS), launched in 2013 aims at providing strategic funding to eligible state higher educational institutions. The funding, in the ratio of 60 : 40 (Central: TN State Government) for general category States, would be norm-based and outcome dependent. The funding would flow from the central ministry through the state governments to the identified institutions. The funding to state universities is based on a critical appraisal of State Higher Education Plans, which would describe each state’s university strategy to address issues of equity, access and excellence in higher education.
RUSA 2.0 schemes of Bharathidasan University has been registered as a company to expedite the RUSA activities under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013), namely, BDU RUSA Research Innovation and Career Hub Foundation (BDU RUSA RICH Foundation) as per the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) guidelines issued by the Government of Tamil Nadu under the direction of MHRD. (TN HE (TN GO: 1 (D) No. 196 dt. 30.07.2019 ; MHRD- Letter No. 24-1/2019-U policy dated 04.06.2019). BDU RICH has established an integrated File Management System for the handling of files through an e – office platform, a step toautomation towards paperless administration.
RUSA (Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan) PHASE I - MHRD, Government of India has sanctioned Rs.20 crore to the Bharathidasan University under component 3: Infrastructure Grants to University for the holistic and infrastructural development under Infrastructure Grants to Universities. The funds have been utilized for holistic developments such as 500 kWp Ground Mounted Grid Interactive Solar park, Combined Cauvery Water Scheme, Construction of Tennis Court complex, E-governance, Central Instrumentation Laboratory building, Hostel, Library Books, Journals and E-Resources at Bharathidasan University.
Research & Innovation and quality improvement (R & I): RUSA-TN has sanctioneda collaborative research project entitled “Sustainable Energy Technologies - Efficient renewable energy power generation with energy storage for sustainable smart grid” (Rs. 150 lakh) under component 8 (Research and Innovation). RUSA has released1st installment of Rs. 75.00 Lakhs for the year 2016-2017 to Bharathidasan University for the implementation ofthe project along with the other state universities. The part of the second installment of Rs. 37.5 Lakhs has been received for the financial year 2020-2021 & 2021-2022. Department of Physics is the nodal center for the above component.
RUSA (Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan) PHASE II - During the current plan period (2020-2022), Bharathidasan University is among the 20 State Universities in India that have been supported under Component 10: Research, Innovation and Quality Improvement. The 12th PAB meeting of the Project Approval Board has approved Rs. 50 Crore. Out of the total approval grants, Rs. 15 Crore was earmarked for the establishment of “Entrepreneurship and Career Hub” in Bharathidasan University to promote career opportunities, skill development, incubation and facilitation of technology start-up companies. Our DPR on Entrepreneurship and Career Hub has been approved and funded. The first-year grant of Rs. 7.5 Crore has already been released. We established Bharathidasan University Entrepreneurship and Career Hub (BECH) under BDU RICH foundation.
The remaining Rs.35 Crore is allotted for the thematic research support in university departments. This is project-based funding with a focus on theoretical/empirical and applied R&D to foster innovation and evidence-based policy in certain areas of national priorities. The following DPRs submitted to MHRD have been approved for funding and the first installment of Rs. 17.5 Crore has been released in December 2020.
S. No | Name | Designation | Phone Number | Email ID |
1. | Dr. M. Selvam | Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor | 431-2407048 | vc@bdu.ac.in |
2. | Dr. R. Kalidasan | Registrar i/c | 431-2407092 | reg@bdu.ac.in |
3. | Thiru. S. Saravanan | Finance Officer i/c | 9952727480 | fo@bdu.ac.in |
4. | Dr. R. Ramesh | Director, Projects | 9486066934 | rramesh@bdu.ac.in |
5. | Dr. K. Emmanuvel Rajan |
Professor & Head Dpt. of Animal Science Chair, School of Life Sciences RUSA TRP – Coordinator, B.S. |
9791736009 | emmanuvel@bdu.ac.in |
6. | Dr. K. Jeganathan | RUSA Coordinator | 9894546936 | kjeganathan@bdu.ac.in |
7. | Dr. R. Ramesh Babu | Deputy Coordinator, RUSA 2.0 | 9942060925 | rameshbabu.r@bdu.ac.in |
8. | Dr. P. NATARAJAMURTHY | Director i/c, BECH-RUSA 2.0 | 9894915061 | bech@bdu.ac.in |
9. | Dr. S. Senthilnathan |
Director UGC – HRDC, Bharathidasan University |
9842292244 | senthilnathan@bdu.ac.in |
10. | Dr. R. Arthur James | Director i/c IQAC | 9444498784 | james.msbdu@gmail.com james@bdu.ac.in |
11. | Dr. R. Mangaleswaran | TRP – Coordinator, S.S | 9443813176 | rrmangal2005@gmail.com eeswaran2010@gmail.com |
12. | Dr. K. Thamarai Selvi |
Professor & Head Dpt. of Environmental Biotechnology |
9789458400 | kthamaraiselvi@bdu.ac.in |
13. | Dr. G. Mathan |
Professor & Head Dpt of Biomedical Science |
9940823271 | mathan@bdu.ac.in |
14. | Dr. K. Anbarasu | HOD, Dept of Marine Biotechnology | 9047374606 | anbubdu@gmail.com anbumbt@bdu.ac.in |
15. | Dr. P. Muruganandam |
Professor & Head
Dpt. of Medical Physics |
9487706093 | anand@bdu.ac.in |
16. | Dr. K. Srinivasan |
Professor & Head Dpt. of Chemistry |
9444121327 | srinivasank@bdu.ac.in |
17. | Dr. M. Manickavasagam |
Associate Professor Dpt. of Biotechnology |
9443076283 | manickbiotech@bdu.ac.in |
18. | Dr. Y. Srinivasa Rao |
Associate Professor Dpt. of History |
9543777480 | hisrisri@bdu.ac.in |
19. | Mr. A. Niveth | Project Fellow, Dept. of Physics | 9344755101 | niveth.physics@yahoo.com |
20. | Mr. T. Thangabharathi | Project Fellow, Center for NanoScience, Dept. of Physics | 9360319628 | thangabharathi572@gmail.com |
21. | Mr. K. Kalainilavan | Project Fellow, School of Chemistry | 7448941296 | kalainilavan2327@gmail.com |
22. | Ms. A. Angelmary | Project Fellow, Dpt. of Animal Science | 9789387201 | angelmary.bio@gmail.com |
23. | Ms. S. Divya Bharathi | Project Fellow, Dpt. of AnimalScience | 9487529104 | divyabharathimsr26@gmail.com |
24. | Mr. K. J. Diwakar | Project Fellow, Dpt. of Biochemistry | 9600424153 | Dhivakar1402bio@gmail.com |
25. | Mr. M. R. Bharath | Project Fellow, Central Theme TRP – S.S. | 8220346684 | mrbharath23jmc@gmail.com |
26. | Dr. K. Tamilselvi | Research Associate Central Theme, TRP – S.S | 7094895729 | gselvi55@gmail.com |
27. | Mr. I. Vishnu Raj | Research Scholar Dpt. of Economics | 9074254474 | vishnuiraj@gmail.com |
28. | Mr. D. Pandarinathan | Junior Engg., Electrical EMD, Bharathidasan University | 9442661304 | emd@bdu.ac.in |