Programmes List


Awareness Programme

Jul 02, 2022

Workshop Report:


The One Day Workshop enchanting by Mr. Madhan, Manager –HR and Safety welcomes the gathering and is felicitated by Dr. Prasanna, Director i/c –BECH RUSA, Bharthidasan University, Trichy. The workshop started with an inauguration and presidential speech by Dr. Prasanna, Director i/c –BECH RUSA to the participants for half an hour. After that, Dr. P. Natarajamoorthy, Assoc. Professor, Department of Economics has delivered his lecture on the Importance of Communication and Coordination with role play and activities. During the tea break, the session is continued with Dr. S. Jayalakshmi, Asst. Professor, DDU-Kausal Kendra narrated a case study on communication barriers. Then 22 participants were carried to Hotel Sangeetha, Trichy for Lunch break. Once it is done, the session is heated up by Dr. R. Raj Kumar, Asst. Professor, DDU-Kausal Kendra leaped with a super series of Leadership Case Studies – Solving issues with various scenarios and adding the Tea break for their breathing from the brainstorming sessions. Finally, Dr. Premanand, Project Officier cleaved the whole session full of activities and games on Communication and coordination ensuring the participants on two-way communication. The Oral Feedback and group photo session finally arrived.


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